Tsugaru Shamisen Online shop

Online store, with free online lesson in English


Everyday lowest price Tsugaru Shamisen Begginer's set

Tsugaru Shamisen's largest group, Oyamakai's certified master,
Oyama Kouzan recommend this begginer's set.

(cost of shipping exclueded)

Cost of Shipping

China Taiwan

Asia North America Europe Africa,South America
2,500yen 9,350yen 15,100yen 17,500yen 11,500yen 20,100yen

Futozao(Thick neck type)Synsetic skin, Nobezao (Not Mitsuori),With Azuma Sawari . Bachi, Yubisuri, Koma, Strings.
Hard case(Water proof)

Review (no edit)
I am very happy with the Tsugaru Shamisen I bought from Shamimaster Shishido. It has all the necessary features in order to fully enjoy and start playing Tsugaru Shamisen.Not only is it very robust and hearty, but I really like the black colored pads and itomaki that came with it!

-Doanh Nguyen
Boca Raton, FL

We ship it with the state you can play soon .

One free online lesson(45 min)from experienced

shamisen teacher included(in English)
Now you can get one free copy of my music scores
(Jongara bushi, Rokudan,
Kodo ,Yoshida brothers , Storm Yoshida brothers
Yuu , Hiromitsu Agatsuma , )
Free Shamisen Introduction Movies(in Japanese)

Jongara played by Begginer's set movie

When you buy Shamisen via Shamisen stores,,
please check the manufacturer. Only 3 manufacturer is there.
TOAMUSIC , Tokyo Wagakki, Nichiwa(Nihon Wagakki Seizo)
Tokyo Wagakki's Shamisen is expensive because they only use Japanese craftsman.

This Shamisen is made by TOAMUSIC, which is the most popular Shamisen manufacturer in Japan.

Nichiwa and TOAMUSIC is made in China.Japanes craftsman teach directly, so
it's endurable and high quality.
Nichiwa's Shamisen is a little bit expensive than TOAMUSIC.
We sell TOAMUSIC shamisen,because Shishido Inc. is only one Ambassador of TOAMUSIC.


All accesories included
Bachi(Plastic) ,Finger Slider, Koma(Bamboo) ,String,Shamisen position sticker, Body Rubber


If you want to order it,please contact to

Payment ; paypal: credit card

Shamisen grade is classiffied depends on the neck,

Basically the heavier and harder one is better.

The grade is Karin, Shitan, Kouki,
but Shitan does not used so often.

Karin (Beginners Shaimisen)
1 Africa Karin Set
Thick Karin neck,Aduma-Sawari,NobeZao (Neck cannot be taken apart into three parts),Synthetic Skin, Soft case, all the accesaries

cheapest one does not easily break.durability is not bad, but of course expensive shamisen will make good sound.

2 Mituori Karin Set 129250yen
Thick Karin neck,Aduma-Sawari Mitsuori (Neck can be taken apart into three parts, you can
bring carry on buggage during flights ) ,Real Skin ,Case not included

3 Nami(Regular) Kouki 268400yen
Thick Kouki neck,Aduma-Sawari Mitsuori (Neck can be taken apart into three parts) ,Real Skin ,Case not included

4, Kinhozo Ayasugi Kouki 300000yen
Thick Kouki neck(joint is covered with gold,(kinhozo) ) Ayasugi Dou(Carved body inside) Thick neck,Aduma-Sawari Mitsuori (Neck can be taken apart into three parts) ,Real Skin ,Case not includeds

Sound Quality Difference Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDetXNlhepo

Some Shamisen sales site sell Shamisen with 1.5 times listeted price.Please be careful]

Our site sell Shamisen with listed price.

The difference between used shamisen

Sometimes used shamisen has cracks where it can't be seen.
And bachi is sometimes for Naguta, or Minyo, not for Tsugaru Shamisen.

So I recommend to buy new ones until you get good judge.




How can shamisen player know what position should we push? 

There is point sticker on important positions. For beginners, we put number sticker called "Fujaku" on it, so no worries.


About Bachi(pick)
We use Bekko ,or turtle shell as Tsugaru Shamisen's pick.
The Bachi included in the bigginer's set is plastic and not flexible.
If you use the plastic harder it will easily break.

The real Bekko one starts from 30 000 Yen, but if you want the faux Bekko
in support of animal protection, we have flexible plastic one for 25 000 Yen.

The sound difference of Bachi



 Bekko Bachi shop Kaihodo


Caribbean Bekko is flexible,
Nanjing one has good pattaern.
cheapest one 55000 yen?

Faux Bekko is called Neo Bekko, Kaihodo made it first in Shamisen world


Tsugaru Shamisen's neck is made from Karin or Kouki. Karin means leguminous plants. Formerly they
are obtained in Thai, Laos, and Myanmar in Asia.
But now we can't get them because they were obtained too much.
So they changed into African Karin. African Karin grows
in West African Mountainous area African Karin is leguminous plants,
so it's exactly Karin. Other manufactures uses the materials
called Tibetan Karin and Malaysian Karin, But they are not leguminous plants.

There are two types of Tsugaru Shamisen's neck Futozao (Thick neck type) .
Neck for man is 31mm in width. Neck for woman 29mm. Please be careful when you buy used one.
The difference between Mituori(3part neck) and solid(one neck)

  Solid neck is said to make better sound than Mituori neck, but
if you join the shamisen emsemble, solid neck is not recommended because it is bulkey, with changing room is
always narrow.

The weight of Sao(neck) itself is over 1200g, it's good Sao.
If you have any trouble with your shamisen , feel free to ask us.Less resonance, less comfortable,,, etc.